Fully Custom Plans based on allergies, dietary restrictions, budget, and goals. 


Key Features of The Perfect Meal Plan

Discover how our meal planning service can revolutionize the way you eat and shop for groceries

Customizable Meal Plans

Tailor your meal plan based on your dietary needs, allergies, and preferences

Exact Grocery List

Get a precise list of ingredients needed for the entire month's meal plan

Healthy Recipes

Access a variety of nutritious recipes that align with your specific health concerns

Convenient Meal Planning

Simplify your meal planning process with ready-to-follow recipes and grocery lists

What they’re saying

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non volutpat turpis. Mauris luctus rutrum mi ut rhoncus. Integer in dignissim tortor.
Yeah I know -- no one likes to hear a vegan talk about being vegan. But here we areI've got a bunch of my own vegan recipes that are great (y'all should add some to your plans!) but the grocery list and budget part was always the most annoying thing to me. Your thirty day plan really helped me get my budget in order and the recipes are good too (but mine are still the best lol).Jessie R.Vegan Diet
Meal prepping with a gluten intolerance has been a pain ever since I found out gluten was my culprit. Especially since my husband is not. So finding good meals that he can enjoy too that don't MESS ME UP has been a challenge. The Perfect Meal Plan has been a game changer when it comes to weekly planning and the recipes are DELICIOUS. Thank you!!Sarah N.Gluten Free Diet
Until you get a diagnosis of high blood pressure and your doc tells you to cut salt -- you really have no idea how much salt is in everything. They put way too much sodium in American food. So finding a diet that worked for me was tough because even just mediterranean still had ingredients with a ton of sodium. Choosing low salt plan helped so much. Feel much less overwhelmed by grocery shopping now. People should know about this.Michael H.Low Salt Diet

Choose Your Perfect Plan

Select the plan that best fits your meal planning needs
30 day meal plan 
One time fee
Get a fully custom 30-day meal plan based on your dietary restrictions and preferences to take all the guesswork out of planning meals based on your needs.

Includes grocery lists and recipes that take your allergies, dietary restrictions, and meal plan goals into account. 
Fully Custom 30-Day Meal Plan
List of Recipes
Grocery List(s) for Recipes
Built based on Allergies, Dietary Restrictions, Food Preferences. 
Takes all the guesswork out of meal planning.
Buy Now  - Create My Plan!
30 day meal plan + food budget planning
One time fee
Focus on meals that aim at a target budget per month AND meet your dietary requirements.

You input your budget range and it takes that into account when generating your recipes and grocery lists. 
 Fully Custom 30-Day Meal Plan
List of Recipes
Grocery List(s) for Recipes
Built based on Allergies, Dietary Restrictions, Food Preferences + Monthly Food Budget
Takes all the guesswork out of meal planning.
Buy Now - Create My Plan!
subscribe for $5/moGet the inside scoop on new trends in healthy eating and examples of recipes etc. based on your needs. 
Examples of recipes
New Diets
Community Access (coming soon)
Information, ideas, and recipes based on your preferences

Common questions

Here are some of the most common questions that we get.
How does The Perfect Meal Plan work?You just answer questions about your allergies, dietary restrictions, food preferences, diet type etc. and then The Perfect Meal Plan generates a customized monthly meal plan based on your dietary needs and preferences. It provides you with a grocery list and recipes tailored to your specific requirements.
What type of diets are covered?Mediterranean Diet, Ketogenic (Keto) Diet, Vegan Diet, Paleo Diet, Intermittent Fasting, DASH Diet, Whole30 Diet, Low Carb Diet, Vegetarian Diet, Atkins Diet, Flexitarian Diet, Pescatarian Diet, South Beach Diet, Zone Diet, Gluten-Free Diet, High Protein Diet, Raw Food Diet, The MIND Diet, Nordic Diet, Low FODMAP Diet, Ornish Diet, TLC Diet (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes), Macrobiotic Diet, Blood Type Diet, CICO Diet (Calories In, Calories Out), Detox Diets (including juice cleanses), SCD Diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet), AIP Diet (Autoimmune Protocol Diet), GAPS Diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet), Fruitarian Diet, Volumetrics Diet, Engine 2 Diet, OMAD Diet (One Meal a Day), Carnivore Diet, Dr. Sebi’s Diet (Alkaline Diet), HCG Diet.
Can I input my dietary restrictions and allergies?Yes, you can input your dietary restrictions, allergies, and preferences such as low sugar or low salt. The meal plan will be customized to accommodate these needs.
Is the meal plan customizable?Absolutely! That's the whole point of The Perfect Meal Plan -- each one is uniquely crafted for you based on your specific dietary needs, family size, and food preferences.
How often can I generate a new meal plan?You can generate a new meal plan as often as you like. Whether you prefer to purchase it one time or multiple as needs change. We've got you covered.
What about grocery lists?We create grocery lists based on the recipes so that you don't have to worry about creating one each time. Many of our customers will even save these lists in their Grocery app (ex. HEB, Walmart, etc.) so that the repurchase is automatic on a weekly cadence.